Tutorial place CCcam
Establish CCcam
1 - What is the CCcam? :
1 - CCcam Receiver is a info that allows you to take the codes between Dreambox and remaining specific receivers. CCcam is like the fast messaging, it allows both recognize and transport the codes to read limited channels.
2 - Ya there different programs analogous to CCcam? :
2 - Yes, there are separate programs that do the synoptic so that any one CCcam here:
- The Gbox
- The Mbox
- The newcam
- The NewCS
- The OSCam
- The Scam
The 2.1-CCcam & IPTV Server is the most unfluctuating and replied, that's why I definite to discuss you to pass sharing.
3 - How do we play this charitable of schedule? :
3 - They are titled emulators CAMs!
You give also feat both facility the speech "emu" is in testimonial to the programs mentioned above.
I-Install CCcam on a Soul Icon:
If you name we apri to instal an simulacrum in our phantasy of "Twins … So initial we faculty hear to:
1 - Set the IP of the dreambox:
1 - You should pair that in say to find the codes for Dreambox rewrite channels it is important to fix the IP of the dreambox. (The IP instruction is same in existent spirit warning:)
2 - How to Fix the IP of Dreambox? And with what hardware or software? :
2 - Prosperous one discourse at a measure, to fix the IP of the Dreambox software you poorness:
-DCC (Dreambox Test Place) You can download the current edition HERE (In gift use later).
To Fix the 2.1-IP Dreambox carefully arise these steps:
1 - Exhort the Docket switch on your remote criterion:
2 - Opt Settings or Falsification Module if your Dreambox is Arts (shortly I'll affirm you how to put the Gallic communication).
3 - Then select Proficient Settings.
4 - Can Connectedness / Network.
5 - HERE And here you can fix the IP Dreambox 500s:
5.1-Uncheck DHCP.
Put in 5.2-IP: 192.168.XXX.XXX
XXX is a symbol between 1 and 125 realized, eg or ect …
Put in 5.3-netmask:
Put in 5.4-Nameserver:
5.5-Put in Gateway the comparable as Nameserver that is to say: in our instance
5.6-Check the Operational Network.
5.7-in Web Port Control 80 Left.
5.8-Press the Unripened fasten to economise.
5.9-Press the YELLOW button to attempt.
6 - And here is the finish:
6.1-If you live this result is that the synoptic abstraction is that the House Individual bugs a few present *:
-WARNING: After you bonk polished you moldiness continue the dreambox for 5 seconds by imperative the red switch to invoke off the dreambox:
- Then select reboot now:
* = Problems, obstacles.
Magner 3-DCC.
-WARNING: Formerly you get downloaded the pregnant DCC unzip into an vacant folder.
1 - Write of connecter:-If you possess a router draft the router and set the router ip From box 6.
-If you score a reverse (like me) halt the switch / hub.
- If you screw an RJ45 crossover telecommunicate * break honourable crosswise.
* = RJ45 telecommunicate is a telecasting Coise whose son are the inmost cablegram are across (see plot):
PS: RJ45 cables intersectant do not delude, to bonk one it must be the assonant act.
2 - Login: put the soul reputation and word. (The option username is: rootle and the password is: dreambox).
3 - Method: exclusive checkered the box "Keep animate FTP"
4 - This PC: This is the IP of the PC (it is automatically displayed so do not difference)
5 - Dreambox: Put the IP of the dreambox ( as in stair 5)
6 - Exchange / Hub or Router: If you jazz a router set its IP tact, otherwise if you score not put anything Reverse.
7 - FTP connected: It moldiness be chromatic (as in the render).
8 - Telenet engaged: It must be veggie (as in the show).
9 - WEB if: it is the Enigma web program, the web know panel of the Dreambox it offers a lot of options (interchange the marketing, petty the volume or augmanter + / -, ticker TV from the machine and more others …)
PS: username is: number and word: dreambox.
10 - Device control: This is the web interface of the Device check (the device command of the Dreambox but it is your browser).
PS: (the alternative username is: set and the password is: dreambox).
11 - FTP: FTP is a protocol that allows you to move a granted far server via an Internet transportation. Dreambox in In is used to direct files or add them.
4 - Download CCcam and opposite necessary plugins:
4 - Download CCcam 2.1.4 (variant safest and most stabile) HERE .
4.1-Download CCcam config (you poverty it) HERE .
4.2-Download CCcam message (permez you to see the status of your servers) HERE .
5 - Instal CCcam 2.1.4 on Dreambox:
5 - To put CCcam 2.1.4 to your Dreambox 500s carefully study the following steps:
1 - Agape DCC:
2 - Pressure the FTP tab at the round left:
3 - Push the TMP folder:
4 - Participate in the TMP folder then brook the line record:
"E1-CCcam_2.1.4_OSCam_1.00.tar.gz" and put it in the TMP folder;
5 - step ciquiéme this password on the Dreambox:
5.1-Take the distant suppress and force the Downcast secure:
5.1.2 - Here is the prove:
5.2-Then superior "Addons"
5.3 - Then prefer "exercise installation"
5.4 - then you run to the TMP folder:
5.5 - Participate the folder and select the line "e1-CCcam_2.1.4_OSCam_1.00.tar.gz"
5.6-Press the "OK" fasten or "green", then a substance appears language: "Are you sure you requirement to pose this addon" press "yes"!
5.7 - Formerly installed a message faculty recount you "addon is installed successfully!"
advise "OK"
5.8 - Now preserve your dreambox! (Originate the manoeuvre up to restarted)
- And here is the CCcam 2.1.4 is enabled to decent pose gratify follow the followers:
1 - Exercise the Disconsolate switch on the unlikely.
2 - Superior the CCcam 2.1.4 by scrolling to the sect with the starboard fix of the device discipline:
3 - Then force the Site add on the remote standard to sign CCcam 2.1.4.
- And here is the CCcam 2.1.4 is enabled!, Now we must do the one with CCcam CCcam config and message!
- Put the CCcam config in the TMP folder in dreambox via DCC, then count the Racy fix on the device criterion, participate ADDONS> then manually install> Then go into the tmp folder> then weightlifting CCcam Config line > machine yes when the message appears warning!
- Utter the equal cognition for the CCcam content!
Greenback: Do not lose to uphold your dreambox undercoat bed fattening commencement the figure plugins!
* = An cryptography system and a set of codes and algorithms that blocks reach to pay TV if the viewer chain does not interruption a conceding.
- And here is the CCcam config is now installed!
-- You swear me what is belike the CCcam config?
--- The CCcam config CCcam utilised to correct according to your needs, there are several documents in the CCcam config:
- The CCam.cfg (it is utilised to add the C: lines (these are the addresses of the servers that lot you codes for decrypted channels) is how the enumerate of contacts of fast messaging)
-The CCcam.prio (It determines the earliness, for representation you poverty a business or a smell be decrypted with other cryptography group *, then you add the add and the analyse of the wanted system decipherment, s' commonly old for the HD channels it is not necessary I personally do not suggest!).
-The CCcam.channelinfo (it collects entropy on the channels in are rarely old or not at all).
-The CCcam.providers (it is nigh the similar as the CCcam.channelinfo in are rarely old).
Message: You can operation these files via DCC, here's how:
1 - Outside DCC:
2 - Force the tab "FTP"
3 - Begin in the "Var"
4 - Then follow in the "ETC"
5 - Now you can modify the files you requisite by imperative on it with the modify move and superior the "Edit" (eg CCcam.cfg record)
6 - Here you can redact the conquer file:
7 - To forbid the changes counsel the littlest round on top and mould "yes":
------- CCcam info:
-- What is the CCcam info?
--- It is misused as follows:
-If your servers are contiguous or not.
-The figure of cardsharing Server you find! and more separate things!
-- Is it rattling required?
-- Yes, what if you do not cognize the signaling of game conventional and if your servers are attached, you would be in unequivocal sinister, it is as if you mortal no eyes!
-- And how utilised?
- For this satisfy obey the succeeding steps: 1 - To run the CCcam message advise the Xanthous secure on the unlikely try:
2 - and here is the lead:
3 - Manuscript trailing and superior "CCcam info"
5 - Here is the ensue:
Primary: This utility displays the variant of CCcam and its status (on, off).
Eruptive Clients: This movie shows you which servers are most live.
Client: This characteristic shows the commute of codes and the servers to which they colligate.
Servers: This function determines whether your servers are adjunctive or not, and the numerate of cards you recognise at domestic!
Shares: This pic shows the signaling of grouping with which you prefab ??the sharing (but now it will not do you anything for you do sharer zip nobble you instrument use it later).
Providers: This characteristic shows the bouquets that you can decipher with your servers.
Entitlements: This use allows you to see your CCcam Server constellation (I personally do not use it).
Falsification: You can pose added version of CCcam substance (I do not advise it hit).
If you have Further any Question you can Ask there http://sharebestcccam.com/contact-us/

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